ICREST-2024 | Hybrid Conference

4th - 6th July 2024 | New Delhi, India

International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies (ICREST-2024)​

Organised By:

Department Of Applied Sciences


Humanities, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi

About The Department

Established in 1996, as one among the departments of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities offers three master programs namely; M.Sc. (Electronic), M.Tech. (Energy Science & Technology) and M.Tech. (Computational Mathematics). In addition to this, the department participates in the teaching of B.Tech. and M.Tech. programs offered by other departments of Faculty of Engineering & Technology. It is a multi-disciplinary department focusing on the research and development in the areas of nanotechnology, renewable energy, nanodevices, optical fiber sensors, environmental science, analytical chemistry, polymer and green chemistry, special functions, fuzzy logic, cryptography, differential geometry, multiple-criteria decision analysis and humanities.